Scheduling Students

  • July 11, 2024
  • Walter Prorok

Having a great calendar for scheduling your students is very important. Most students are repeatedly going to keep coming back each week. We want to make this experience the best it can be. Scheduling a one time lesson or a whole year's worth is made easy. Whether the lesson is 15 minutes or an hour we have you covered. Color code the lesson to help certain students stand out on your calendar.

Smart Scheduling Calendar 
We have come up with a smart calendar that will automatically notify the next student on your make-up list that it is open to a make up lesson that is not within their normal scheduled time. The student is then able to accept or decline. If the student declines the next one on the list is notified until the open lesson is filled.

Let the application do the boring mundane tasks that we as teachers don't really like to do but is part of running a successful business. With automation, we can cut out hours spent calling or emailing students trying to fit their schedule with your schedule, and it all becomes a difficult puzzle.

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